Contact Info

VBMS (Buckingham) Ltd, Applewood, Gawcott, MK18 4HZ
01280 735007


We want you to know that VBMS Ltd respects the information we hold on you and take the security of this information very seriously.

In general:
We collect information such as your name and contact details from you when using our contact form.

We process and store your data safely and securely.
We do not share your information with anyone else.
We use your details to contact you regarding enquiries via the website and paperwork such as invoicing.

If you wish to change the way we contact you, please do not hesitate to contact us at and we will update your communication methods as per your preference.  If you are happy with the way we contact you, you do not need to do anything.

Please ensure that our email address is a contact in your email address book so that emails from us arrive safely in your inbox (and not directed to your spam.)

Get In Touch

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